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 1. Robert Bell and Dan Hanson  The Global Broadband Economy  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 2. Robert Bell and Dan Hanson  The Global Broadband Economy  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 3. Robert Bell and Dan Hanson  The Global Broadband Economy - Part 2  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 4. Mark Thirlwell  Welcome to the new, new global economy  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 5. Bill Creata  Global Currency and Economy  Bill Creata 5 Minute Podcast 
 6. Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace  Brazil in the Global Economy  Carnegie Endowment Podcast 
 7. Chicago Public Radio  Fixing the Global Economy   
 8. Edward Goldsmith  Can We Survive The Global Economy?  PIRM Seminar 
 9. Edward Goldsmith  Can We Survive The Global Economy?  PIRM Seminar 
 10. Robert Weil  Chinese workers and the global economy   
 11. Robert Weil  Chinese workers and the global economy   
 12. Lev Gonick and Dan Hanson  International Students and the Global Economy  The Great Lakes Geek Show 
 13. Daniel Altman  Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy  Carnegie Council Program 
 14. Carolyn Hotchkiss, J.D., Professor of Law, Babson College  Leadership and Ethics in a Global Economy   
 15. Ali Babacan  Turkey's Economy and the Global Economic Crisis  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 16. Professor Robert Lawrence  How will global trade fare in the post GFC economy?  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 17. Dr Jeffrey A. Eisenach  Convergence or divergence? Global regulation and the digital economy  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 18. Professor Spike Peterson  Informalisation and Global Political Economy: the elephant in the room  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 19. Conceptual Guerilla  Limbaugh Lie: Bill Clinton Wants To Slow The Economy To Solve Global Warming   
 20. Professor Robert J. Shiller  Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why it Matters for Global Capitalism  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 21. The Fletcher School, Tufts University  Illicit: How Smugglers, Traffickers, and Copycats Are Hijacking the Global Economy a lecture by Dr. Moises Naim, Editor-in-Chief, Foreign Policy Magazine   
 22. Tapegerm & Heuristics Inc.  Broadband Sleeplessness  Free Loops 3 
 23. Strategic News Service, LLC.  Broadband Cellphones: The Next Platform  2006 Future In Review (FiRe) Conference Mediacast 
 24. DJ Special Blend from Chicago  U-Hype XXXIII - Broadband  www.BMSRadio.com 
 25. Host Mike Harris and Guest Robin Simpson  Broadband Wireless Technologies  Gartner Voice 
 26. Tom Merritt, Molly Wood, Veronica Belmont  BuzzCast 05/10/2007 - Broadband in every pot  CNET.com 
 27. Host Mike Harris and Guest Robin Simpson  Broadband Wireless Technologies  Gartner Voice 
 28. Antonio McCoy (TonyMacVoice.com)  Political Demo (Broadband)   
 29. Bia Kunze  Podsemfio n.78 - Mobile Broadband Brazil  Podsemfio 
 30. Adam Turner  Christmas mobile broadband offerings for all  Tech Talk Radio 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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